- Hair Wash
- Special hair wash
- Hair wash + fringe and sides blow dry
- very short hair blow dry
- Short hair Blow dry
- Meduim hair Blow dry
- Long hair Blow dry
- Very long hair Blow dry
- Blow dry+ Straightening
- Meduim hair + straightening
- Long Hair+ Straightening
- Very long hair+ straightening
- Hair color: Roots short
- hair color : Roots long
- Full hair color short
- Full hair color Medium
- Full hair color Long
- Full hair color very long
- Hair color : Roots short without amonia
- Hair color : Roots long without amonia
- Full hair color short without amonia
- Full hair color long without amonia
- Full hair color very long without amonia
- Haircut
- Haircut creative
- Haircut with machine fringe+ sides
- Hair Trim
- Fringe cut
- Junior haircut with wash (8-12)
- Highlight Short
- Highlight Mediuim
- Highlight Long
- Highlight very long
- Highlight very very long
- Highlight fringe
- Highlight fringe + sides
- Highlight fringe + sides long
- Ambree short
- Ambree Meduim
- Ambree Long
- Ambree very long
- Toner short
- Toner Medium
- Toner long
- Bleashing short
- Bleashing medium
- Bleashing long
- Bleashing very long
- Contour front
- Back contour
- Rinsage
- Bridal hairstyle without accessories
- Bridal hairstyle with accessories
- Normal hairstayle
- Special hairstyle
- Junior Hairstyle
- Remove sticker : 1 piece (2)
- Client stickers aplication (2) : 10 piece
- Client extention application with clips
- Client extention application with suiting : 1 piece
- change stikers (2) : 1 piece
- BB crème Short hair
- BB crème Medium
- BB crème long
- BB crème very long
- BB crème roots short
- BB crème roots medium
- Protein short normal
- Protein short heavy hair
- Protein Miduim normal hair
- Protein miduim heavy hair
- Protein long normal
- Protein long heavy
- Protein very long normal
- Protein very long heavy
- Protein roots short